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Trillian 0.72

6,131 Téléchargements

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Trillian 0.72  Change Log

  • AIM: chat invite from query window was using alias.
  • AIM: send a secureIM deny when user isn't on our contact list. this fixes the remote constantly
  • requesting the session if auto-secureim is on.
  • AIM: added ignore feature to group chats.
  • AIM: "do not display again" for ODC start window busted.
  • AIM: added 'join chat' to console menu.
  • AIM: echo our local SN based on proper format.
  • AIM: allow user to change local echo SN through personal options.
  • AIM: rejoin chats on reconnect.
  • AIM: use display names in chat windows if applicable. can't do this in nicklist right now.
  • AIM: fixed block/unblock crash while in group chat.
  • AIM: warning that secureIM is off when directly connected.
  • AIM: added Mobile Indicator icon
  • AIM: fixed two small memory leaks in AIM group chats.
  • AIM: two default buttons in chat invite window fixed.
  • ICQ: remove auto hscroll from read away msg window.
  • ICQ: incoming mass messages broken.
  • ICQ: wasn't sending msg ack correctly on mass messages.
  • ICQ: deal with auto-resume on 'already have full file' state better.
  • ICQ: allow warning message to be turned off in prefs for older client thing.
  • ICQ: fixed privacy w/WWPager stuff, tested it this time :)
  • ICQ: manipulating ignore list through prefs updates window right clicks.
  • ICQ: fixed '200b' typo on imports page.
  • ICQ: turning off SecureIM didn't really turn it off.
  • MSN: fixed bad INBOX requests. sorry, microsoft!
  • MSN: allow 'check hotmail' for accounts.
  • MSN: black on black color bug fixed.
  • IMs: all combo boxes weren't refreshing properly, giving false impression of unsaved data.
  • IMs: save preferences in a hopefully more reliable fashion.
  • IMs: better window parenting for error messages.
  • IRC: just allow /who *... bleh
  • IRC: fixed resuming messing up progress bar
  • IRC: fixed some auto-resume crap here too.
  • IRC: added '/scripts'.
  • Y!: fixed some blocking bugs.
  • Y!: fix reset button.
  • HTTP: fixed bug with buddy icon downloads.
  • Feature: check for updates on load (prefs)
  • Feature: check for updates on load (do the check)
  • Feature: check for updates on load (wizard)
  • Feature: redo install questionaire to be end of wizard
  • Feature: add a medium switcher into the file transfers
  • Feature: resize buddy icons to fit the buddy icon area
  • Feature: added tooltip to the edit area
  • Feature: a way to set yourslef back when typing a message and you set yourself away
  • Feature: file transfer folder creation based on senders nick
  • Feature: per medium default colors
  • Change: no longer flash on online/offline messages
  • Change: all forums links to the new forums
  • Change: systray icon to look less stupid
  • Change: wording in anon stats changed
  • Change: tell them about reboot option when buddy.dll can not be written to
  • Change: text in the two instances of trillian running on install
  • Change: added comma to thank you line
  • Change: removed an extraneous comma from license agreement
  • Change: Internet explorer -> Web browser in aim: prefs
  • Fixed: do a better winsock 2 check
  • Fixed: right click->dock left while contained does something
  • Fixed: <e saved into the logs
  • Fixed: In talk.ini: This shows up... [BuddyIconFilename]
  • smarterchild=G:\Program Files\Trillian72\users\default\\buddyicons\smarterchild (double backslash)
  • Fixed: expand group via keyboard in contact list doesnt update scrollbar
  • Fixed: In custom events (when a timer event is chosen) the user is allowed to type alpha characters into the
  • 'Idle time' field (although Trillian rightly ignores them)
  • Fixed: Away messages aren't saved 'on the fly' (Crash --> Away messages lost, although it hasn't crashed yet)
  • Fixed: In Events.xml, for events which set a status, the name of the away message is not URLEncoded. (Leads to parse error on next load, where special (?) characters are involved.
  • Fixed: Notes aren't saved on-the-fly (crash --> lose the extra info)
  • Fixed: if a dll can not be written to, do a rename, and delete on reboot
  • Fixed: no tab support in install questionaire
  • Fixed: IM's dont adhere to the action text color
  • Fixed: ctrl+k does not immediately print the ctrlk block
  • Fixed: events.xml will write out encoded information sometimes
  • Fixed: corrupted time info in the ini
  • Fixed: try to delete the renamed setup files before i install
  • Fixed: crash if you right click list and move to with nothing selected
  • Fixed: irc channel, hit ctrl-b, ctrl-f, it will lock applciation
  • Fixed: Hitting escape in email from within sends email
  • Fixed: Email from within does not scroll
  • Fixed: two gif images dont draw right
  • Fixed: a really really (enormously) large link will crash trillian
  • Fixed: if stretch pref is turned off, image sometimes will not show at all
  • Fixed: mirc colors do not allow a white background
  • Fixed: support for mirc color 99
  • Fixed: support for ctrl-k with nothing after to set to default (mirc color)
  • Fixed: crash when you set an away message twice without saving
  • Fixed: auto resume does not work if file does not exist
  • Fixed: auto resume and file does exist, byte total not correct
  • Fixed: drag a file to a window (say talk.dll) and send it, it shows dir only in window
  • Fixed: "hello\n\nthis is a test", left arrow back to test and delete it, newlines stop echoing
  • Fixed: bold wraps wrong
  • Fixed: idle event -> exit program does not work
  • Fixed: bug when sending "< AAAAAAAA>" with 742 or more A's.
  • Fixed: file transfer pref example text for directory added extra \'s
  • Fixed: flashing is funky
  • Fixed: away message limit is 256 chars
  • Fixed: visible not saving correctly for contact list
  • Fixed: increased speed in the contact list

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